Promosedia Design Competition 2009
-40세 이하 산업디자인 전공 누구나
참가비는 무료이며 2009-5-5마감
CD-ROM: A3 size (29.7 x 42 cm), “.jpg” 300 dpi definition (high resolution) 72 dpi (low resolution) definition.(2가지 버전 으로 제출)
기억해둘 사항
공모전은 anonymous 형태(실명기입금지) 이며 임시로 이름을 정해 공모해야합니다
2 words, or letter/number code of 6 non-repetitive characters (graphic symbols are not admissible) which if published may be used as design name and must appear on every part of the submission, on the CD-ROM and the CD-ROM cover, on every digital image, on each sheet of the attached print-out, on the design description and on the portfolio
1st Prize: Outright Winner = 3,500 euros