



2006/2007 International Bamboo Building Design Competition
건축/인테리어 마감

2006-07-28 ~ 2007-01-15


다운로드  양식다운로드 공모전 홈페이지
2006/2007 International Bamboo Building Design Competition An Architecture Design Competition of Structural Bamboo Buildings "Visionary Designs for Ecological Living" Some of the winning entries will be chosen for manufacture by the world's premier builder of international code approved bamboo homes. CALL FOR ENTRIES: Competition Objectives: This competition has been created to develop new award winning designs for bamboo buildings, raise awareness of the use of certified structural bamboo for building code approved structures, and introduce architects, designers and builders to working with bamboo as a structural material. Building Design Categories: There are design categories for different types of bamboo buildings, and winners will be chosen in each design category. Sponsors, Partners and Affiliated Organizations: Bamboo Technologies, currently manufacturing 20 models of certified building code approved bamboo houses, is looking for new award winning designs, and has the capacity to manufacture new designs at its bamboo building factory. Registration: Open to architects, builders, designers, students anywhere in the world. Registration deadline is December 31, 2006. Countries: Registrants entered from over 25 countries around the planet. Schedule: Submissions by January 15, 2007. Submissions: Entries are electronic files submitted by ftp or email. General Design Considerations • Design criteria: aesthetics, functionality and structural integrity. • Design using structural bamboo poles. • Design represents affordable, relevant, liveable, stylish housing. • Design can be effectively converted into CAD shop drawings for construction. Submission Schedule • Registration Deadline is December 31, 2006. All contestants must register. 등록 마감 시간 : 2006년 12월 31일 모든 참가자는 등록해야 한다.(링크된 주소에서 등록) http://www.bamboocompetition.com/registrationba.php • Submission Deadline is January 15, 2007. 제출 마감 시간 : 2007년 1월 15일 Entry Fee Schedule • $100 for companies, architects, professions, designers, builders. • $50 for students. • $25 for students from developing world countries. Submission Requirements • Format size is 24"x36" pdf (ARCHD). • Indicate building category for your competition entry. • Include description, plans, sections, elevations, 3-D views. • Add 250 word description and philosophy inspiring the design project. • Complete contact information including email for communication. • Options: exploded axonometric views, materials, research, parti. Conditions. Competitors agree to the following rules and regulations: • Bamboo Competition is granted the rights to reproduce and print design entries. • Designs and text description may be edited and included in new bamboo book. • Designers name credit will be given on any reproduced or published work. • Bamboo Competition has no responsibility to return submitted materials. • By submission of design entries, competitors agree to these conditions Submissions sent by • Electronic files sent to FTP site: ftp address to be announced. • Email files to submissions@bamboocompetition.com Acknowledgement of Submission • Email confirmation will be sent to your email address. Questions about the competition • Email questions to info@bamboocompetition.com. Bamboo Building and Design Research • See our list of bamboo building and design books for reference works. Jury: Juries of experts and notable people are being selected for relevant categories. Events will be planned and announced for winners in January 2007. Awards: Competition is designed for winners in many categories. • Winning designs may be built by Bamboo Technologies, royalties to designer. • Overall First Prize $5,000. Second Prize $3,000. Third Prize $2,000. • Finalists announced on the competition website and can vote on best designs. • Winning designs will be announced in international publications and media. • Free stay in a bamboo resort house in Maui, Hawaii. • Finalists may be included in upcoming book on bamboo buildings. FAQ: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about the competition. Research: See our list of bamboo building and design books for reference.

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