
[2012 Design Talk 03] Design for the Hypernanotech age



2012-06-01 ~ 2012-06-01

2012 Design Talk 03


Charles L. Owen




강연 일시: 2012년 6월 1일 금요일 오후 3시

장소: 서울대학교 미술대학 49동 309호

강연자: 찰스 오웬 Charles L. Owen

Purdue University에서 화학전공으로 학사학위를, Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology에서 제품디자인으로 석사학위를 취득하였다. 1965년부터IIT의 교수로서 디자인교육을 이끌어 왔으며, 주 연구분야는 제품디자인, 디자인기획, 디자인방법론 분야에서 그 뛰어난 업적을 인정받아 1995년에 석좌교수가 되었다. 2001에 정년퇴임하여 현재는 IIT ID의 명예석좌교수이다. 미국, 호주, 홍콩의 여러 대학, Herman Miller, Doblin Inc., Steelcase. Inc., Kohler Company를 포함한 20여개 유명 기업, Visible Languages, Design Studies 등 국제 저명 학술지의 자문위원으로 활동하고 있으며, 전세계 160 기관에서 강연한 바 있다. 1990년에 American Center for Design' s Education Award 수상하였으며, 1997년에는 일본디자인학회(Japanese Society for the Science of Design)에서 44년 역사에서 최초로 임명한 최초의 명예회원이 되었다. 

강연 내용:

The world is on an unprecedented tragectory of change. Inexorable population growth has finally brought us to a point where massive adaptation will be required to deal with extreme environmental change and resource depletion. The race is on between these dauting problems and radically new technologies that may or may not provide solution. Design, as a professional field, emerged in aesthetic reaction to revolutinarily new materials, technologies and manufacturing processes sweeping world culture at the beginning of he last century. This century has opened with an even greater burst of technological change, consistent in scale with the power curve changes in need brought on by population demands and environmental reaction. How will design evolove in response? The value of design to society is changing. No longer simply an aesthetic handmaiden to industry, design has matured and its range of influence has expanded from tactical to strategic, it is time to join with other disciplines in applying what has been learned to the problems the world has created by ignoring the ramificaitons of unconstrained human impact on environment and, as a consequence, human society itself. This talk will explore the situation, the expanding role of design, and options for the future.

강연등록 : KDRI.ORG > Design Talk> 현재 진행중인 Design Talk > 수강신청 > 수강신청
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강연문의 : 서울대학교 한국디자인산업연구센터/02-880-8964/

강연료 : 1만원

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